Conference fees

Participation type Early bird Registration (closes on 20th January, 2024) Late/On-site Registration (closes on 28th May, 2024)
Local/domestic Participants
Students GHC 130 GHC 150
Lecturers/Practitioners GHC 700 GHC 750
International Participants
All USD 150 USD 180

Payment details

Domestic bank details for payment: Bank name Account name Account number Branch Momo short code
Prudential Bank Limited Sunyani Technical University Collection Account 0441000010018 Sunyani *772*55# (Please select option 4)
International SWIFT numbers for payment: Name of bank Address Swift number Account number IBAN
U.S. Dollar Citi Bank N.A Citigroup Centre, P.O. Box 78,33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB CITIGB 2L 8237832 GB11CITI18500808237832
Euro Citi Bank N.A Citigroup Centre, P.O. Box 78,33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB CITIGB 2L 8864020 GB11CITI18500808864020
GPB Citi Bank N.A Citigroup Centre, P.O. Box 78,33 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5LB CITIGB 2L 8228817 GB11CITI18500808228817

Payment procedure

Step 1


An invoice will be emailed to you after your abstract has been accepted or (if you are not presenting) after you have registered.

Step 2


Make the payment via Deposite/eBanking. The exact amount stated on the invoice should be paid.

Step 3


Send your receipt to

Step 4


We will verify your payment within 1–2 business days.

Terms and conditions

  1. The payment is only for registration, presentation, participation, snacks, and dinner.
  2. Participants should contact this number and email address for information on hotel reservation and accommodation: /+233 (0)24325
  3. Receipt or evidence of payment should be scanned or converted to PDF and sent to: and
  4. The exact amount, as stated on the invoice, should be paid.
  5. Payments are nonrefundable.
  6. Payments can not be made in cash; they must be through the stated payment methods.
  7. Participants are responsible for transfer fees and bank charges.